Sunday, July 28, 2013

life is just a bowl of cherries

Almost three years ago, on my husband and my anniversary, we planted a cherry tree. It's a beautiful tree in the springtime with delicate cherry blossoms and then full of fruit in the summer. What a great anniversary gift to ourselves!
freshly picked
~photo by Inside the Pomegranate~

Friday, July 26, 2013

flowerful friday

I don't know what these purple beauties are, but to me, they are so summery. Aren't they lovely?
Happy Friday!

~photography by Inside the Pomegranate~

Thursday, July 25, 2013

summertime shades of green

There's just something about the many shades of green that pop out in the summertime that I love.  From the lightest to the deepest green hues, there's a green for everyone to enjoy. Here are a few I'm partial to. 


~photos by Inside the Pomegranate~

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

inspired by george santayana

How very true this is! I wish we could slow down, and rather than always be occupied, take a little more time to listen. There is music to be heard.
~image credit unknown~

Sunday, July 21, 2013

thoughts on food from 1917 and food today

This US Food Administration literature from 1917 rings so true today. In a land of super-sized meals and processed everything, it's wonderfully refreshing to see so many people really starting to be aware of what they put in their body. Because if you think about it, since when does fruit come in a fruit cup with syrup?  And, since when does cheese come in a powder form? Let's keep the focus on real food.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

little robin redbreast

I think most of us associate robins with springtime. But, I photographed this handsome fellow today. while we were both taking a short rest in the shade. He seemed quite content with having his picture taken, allowing me to snap quite a few shots of him. 
~photo by Inside the Pomegranate~

Friday, July 19, 2013

flowerful friday

Isn't this a lovely color combination? And the roses smell divine!
Happy Friday!

~photo by Inside the Pomegranate~

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

just a few of my favorite things: summertime edition

To me, summertime is just wonderful. The long days are filled with sunshine and the cooler nights are perfect for star gazing. Here are just a few of my summertime favorites.
What's not to love about relaxing
in a hammock?
homemade lemonade:
the perfect summer drink
sorbet - probably my favorite dessert
the weightlessness of water
What's more quintessentially
summer than watermelon?
~photo credits unknown~

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

my garden...

It's that time of summer when my garden is going strong, with bright blooms everywhere in sight. Here are a few photos I took a few days ago. So happy it's summertime!

various shades of green
wispy cosmos
I adore these sweet smelling phlox
lots of variety
colorful geraniums
~all photos by Inside the Pomegranate~

Sunday, July 14, 2013

true friendship

This weekend I was reunited with a dear friend. We live so far apart, but when we get together, it's that magical experience where you can pick up right where you left off. It's like no time had passed. I'm so thankful for her - her kindness, her laughter, and her wisdom. 
~image credit unknown~

Friday, July 12, 2013

flowerful friday

There's something so magical about waterlilies. Here's one I photographed recently. Doesn't it just feel like summertime?

Happy Friday!
~photo by Inside the Pomegranate~

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

travel: inspired by gustave flaubert

As soon as I read this Gustave Flaubert quote, it resonated with me. The 19th century French writer so succinctly sums up one of the many ways travel broadens our horizons and expands our minds. I love the perspective that every trip I take provides to me. How good it is to see how other people live. 
~image credit unknown~

Monday, July 8, 2013

music for a monday: the head and the heart full session on KEXP

Ready for a live acoustic, full of harmony session on Seattle's KEXP? Here's The Head and The Heart.  Enjoy!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

your future self

Wouldn't this be a great idea to live by?
~image credit unknown~

Saturday, July 6, 2013

a tour of olbrich botanical gardens

Let's take a little tour of Olbrich Botanical Gardens today...
Care to join me for a walk?
Their gardens have so
many colors and textures
and a beautiful reflection pool
let's not forget the impressive herb garden
Shall we take this path? 
The gorgeous view from a look-out tower
~ all photos by Inside the Pomegranate ~

Friday, July 5, 2013

flowerful friday: clematis in bloom

Clematis are in full bloom, and these flowering vines add so much color and interest to garden spaces. There are so many varieties of clematis, so it's not unusual to see a wide range of petal shapes and colors. On a recent visit to Olbrich Botanical Gardens here in Madison, the clematis were blooming most beautifully. I snapped a few photographs of these stunning climbers. Did you know that wild clematis are native to China? By the 17th century, they could be found in Japanese gardens, and they reached European gardens by the 18th century. I'm happy to have a few clematis in my own garden. Do you have them growing in your garden too?

Happy Friday!

~photos by Inside the Pomegranate~

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

art and le tour de france

We've been watching a lot of the Tour de France in our house. I'm not the biggest sports fan out there, but this is one sporting event that I look forward to every year. In addition to the cycling, the scenery is amazing. 

I came across this Henri Matisse painting that reminds me so much of the beautiful scenes we've been enjoying while watching the Tour in Provence. Who wants to go to southern France?!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

words to live by: franklin roosevelt

These are simple, straight to the point words with a big message.  Let's experience. Let's do. Let's try something.
~image credit unknown~