Saturday, April 30, 2011

light and reflections

I took this photo from the modern wing at the Art Institute of Chicago last weekend. Art is so subjective, and modern art isn't always my thing but I love the contrast between this string of lights and view of the beauty of the city directly behind it.  
bright lights, big city

Friday, April 29, 2011

flowerful Friday - special edition!

The Lincoln Park Conservatory in Chicago is one of my favorite places to "escape" to. No matter what the weather is like outside, these warm & humid indoor gardens make me forget if its mid-January and seemingly unbearably cold or mid-April and damp. Here are few of my snapshots from a recent visit to the beautiful conservatory.  

did I mention this is free?!
the beautiful structure from the outside
from the tropical
can't you feel the warmth
and moisture?
from the spring
flower exhibit
a close-up from the spring
flower exhibit
 peonies - smelling so sweet!
from the glorious
orchid house
another from the orchid house
beautiful, isn't it?
Happy Friday!

Thursday, April 28, 2011

shout out - Oiseaux

I wanted to bring back the "shout out" post for another Etsy shop, Oiseaux. I think the "shout out" posts will become regular posts as I find/am reminded of great stores/shops/websites etc.

I've been a fan of Oiseaux for awhile now. Oiseaux specializes in the most sweet and tender book plates for children. About 2 years ago, I purchased a set of book plates for our friends' newly born daughter. This Easter, in lieu of chocolate bunnies or other candy, I decided to give our Goddaughter, Magnolia, and my dear friend Kate's baby boy, Matthew, book plates from Oiseaux. 

I remember my favorite books from my childhood well - for awhile my particular favorite was "A Time to Keep" by Tasha Tudor. This book has such beautiful illustrations; images that still trigger my imagination. I love children's books to begin with, and I think they make such wonderful gifts. So, to me, book plates are like a little cherry on the top of an already delicious item!  

If you like old fashioned images of fairy tales, animals, and sweet of childhood images, I think you'll love Oiseaux's shop too.

Oiseaux's Etsy shop can be found at:

for my Goddaughter,
the sweetest little girl around,

for the handsomest little
fellow, Matthew

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

my kind of town

A few days ago, we took off and headed a little bit south to Chicago and in just over 24 hours we took in so much of this great city I used to call home. I loved living there, and now I love visiting. Our time there was action packed - and of course, I took lots of photos. I can't wait to go back - hopefully it'll be sometime soon!

just outside the Art Institute...
spring was in the air
the cool and modern
lines at Millenium Park
pre-concert dinner at one of my
old standbys
scenic Wells Street,
the street I used to call home
yup, this is Chicago!
you can find these fellows
right in the middle of the city
the beautiful Chicago skyline

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

rain, rain go away...

The forecast is calling for a rainy day and a quick peek out of my thick hotel window has confirmed that it's looking awfully dreary outside. On a day like today, wouldn't it be nice to be surrounded by lush emerald greens? There's just something about this rich color that I love. These kind of shades make me feel like I'm somewhere warm & tropical - somewhere totally full of life.
scenes from a jungle?
how many shades of green?
layer upon layer of delicate fern leaves

Monday, April 25, 2011

fraternal twins?

Work takes me to Minneapolis and St. Paul quite frequently. I don't usually mind the travel; these are two great cities with lots to do and see and I have a few friends who live up here, so that is a definite perk. And now that the winter thaw has receded and spring is reaching even these far flung northerly cities, there is a little more lightness in every one's step and on every one's face. Winter is hard here, even more severe than in Madison, where I live.

The contrast in architecture between St. Paul and Minneapolis is great. Despite their physical appearance differences, I like both cities and their aesthetics. Here are a few shots I've captured with my camera phone while staying up in the Twin Cities - it's funny that they are named the Twin Cities, because to me, they seem so different on so many levels.

Minneapolis, old and new
a Minneapolis mixture
Minneapolis, Art Deco in the center
thoroughly modern on either side
to me, quintessential St. Paul

Sunday, April 24, 2011

our Easter celebration

We hosted Easter lunch at our house today. The culinary highlight, for me, was roasting leg of lamb for the first time. For the lamb, I tweaked a Mark Bittman recipe I read in the New York Times recently. I am so happy with how it turned out! Here are a few snapshots of our feast. Happy Easter!

pink carnations & dyed blue
Easter eggs - pretty spring colors!
the carved lamb - delicious!
mashed potatoes made by my husband -
so yummy
petit-fours for dessert
pastel candied almonds
our big Easter bunny - isn't he cute?

Saturday, April 23, 2011

light and reflections

A thing of beauty is a joy for ever:
Its loveliness increases; it will never 
Pass into nothingness; but still will keep 
A bower quiet for us, and a sleep
Full of sweet dream, and health, and quiet breathing.
(first few lines of "A Thing of Beauty" by John Keats)

I highly recommend reading the rest of the poem.
Its title is so fitting.  

Friday, April 22, 2011

flowerful Friday

I think there is something so old fashioned about this flower arrangement, and I love it. 

aren't you curious about
the yellow roses in
"The Age of Innocence" now?
Yellow roses always remind me, no not of Texas, but of "The Age of Innocence" by Edith Wharton. If you're not familiar with this book or movie, I'd highly recommend either - they are both deliciously beautiful and the details that both the paper or celluloid version provide describe a bygone era in ways that will make you feel like you live right along side Newland, May, and the exotic Ellen Olenska (the recipient of the yellow roses). 

Happy Friday!

Thursday, April 21, 2011

can't grow tired of...

There is just something about spotting a rainbow that makes me feel like a kid all over. I never get tired of seeing them and then admiring them for as long as possible until they seem to vanish into thin air.  

We've had one gloomy day after another here lately. So I pulled out this photo I took while on vacation a few months back (one has to save photos like this for a nice distraction when the weather is so crummy!). 

charmingly magical - who can't smile
when they see a rainbow?

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

color therapy - yellow

What do you associate the color yellow with? For me, it's the happiest of colors. When I see forsythias' yellow blooms I know that spring has arrived and warm, yellowish light always makes me feel cozy. Here are a few (mostly) yellow photos of mine. Hopefully the cheeriness of this hue will brighten your day.  

isn't the yellow forsythia
against the blue sky just stunning?
Kalabaka, Greece
warm, yellowish light
I love how each of these petals are
both strong and gentle looking
a perfect yellow bloom,
flower type unknown to me
Esperanza, Vieques
a close up of a type of palm -
almost looks like modern art,
doesn't it?
yellow lighting shines with so much
warmth and coziness - it softens
the metal of the lamp

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Wordworth's daffodils

No poem, in my mind, captures the love that some of us have for flowers as beautifully as  William Wordworth's (1770-1850) "Daffodils" (officially entitled "I wander'd lonely as a cloud"). It, to me, is perfection - it captures the author's first sight of the stunning flowers, describes the daffodils with such precision, and then the poet wraps up his text explaining to us how he can recall those daffodils within his "inward eye" - because they left such an impression - even from his couch. I adore this poem - its clarity, its gentleness, and its vivid descriptiveness. I hope you enjoy it too.
I wander'd lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o'ver vales and hills,
When all at once I saw a crowd
A host, of golden daffodils;
Beside the lake, beneath the trees, 
Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

Continuous as the stars that shine
And twinkle on the Milky Way,
They Stretch'd in never-ending line
Along the margin of a bay:
Ten thousand saw I at a glance,
Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.

The wave beside them danced; by they 
Out-did the sparking waves in glee:
A poet could not but be gay,
In such a jocund company:
I gazed - and gazed - but little thought
What wealth the show to me had brought:

For oft, when on my couch I lie
In vacant or in pensive mood,
They flash upon that inward eye
Which is the bliss of solitude;
And then my heart with pleasure fills,
And dances with the daffodils.

Monday, April 18, 2011

April showers

We've had more than a few rainy days this April. As the saying goes, April showers bring May flowers. I did a quick Google search to check the origin of that phrase, and boy oh boy it's an old one! The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations dates the original phrase of "April showers bring forth May flowers" as a mid-16th century proverb. I think we take the modern phrase literally, but apparently the proverb originally meant something more broad - that something good can happen from unpleasant events.

I snapped some photos of several of the spring greens in our yard right after a recent gentle rain. I love how rain beads on leaves after a rain shower - to me and my rather vivid imagination, the beads of rain are like diamonds. 
hyacinths pushing upwards...
any day now - we are ready
for the beautiful fragrance!
daffodils in the background and
peonies I transplanted last fall in the foreground -
I'm so happy they survived the move and the winter!

these daffodils seem to me to be begging for
a warm, sunny day so they can
showcase their beautiful blooms!
the lilac I planted last spring survived the winter
and with its new growth,
I could not be happier!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

a glass of red, a glass of white

Tropical destination. Warm sun. Blue skies. Red and white sangria. What could be better?

Remembering this fondly on a Sunday evening...


Saturday, April 16, 2011

light and reflections

Don't you think that sometimes we all need a little more brightness in our lives - whether it be the twinkle of stars in the sky, a flicker of a candle, the glitter of a diamond or the bountiful sparkles a chandelier brings about?
sparkle, sparkle!

Friday, April 15, 2011

flowerful Friday

Spring has undoubtedly arrived here in the north. And even though my early bulbs are blooming, I could not help myself while at the grocery recently, and I picked up some daffodils. To me their trumpets are such a happy sight. I can imagine they play a joyful bugle call - announcing that "spring is here!"

a lovely mass of yellow
trumpets and wings

a close up of
what's inside that bold trumpet

I love how this one looks as if
it is reaching for the sun
Happy Friday to you.