Saturday, September 14, 2013

back in the saddle

While I was away so much has happened. The big news is that my husband and I welcomed the birth of our son Lucas. He's amazing and fills our days and nights with so much joy. 

Lucas and I have been lucky enough to spend a few days at my parents' house during the last couple of weeks. I happen to think their house is most happily situated on one of the prettiest pieces of woodland. During our visits, I've able to take my road bike out for a few rides while Grammie and Poppop watch Lucas. When I was pregnant, I greatly missed riding my bike, so these rides are nothing short of bliss!

I love this time of year when you can feel both the warmth of summer and the imminent approach of fall. I snapped a few photos while on a ride to help capture these lovely days.  

at my parents' house
Cedar Creek
a canopy of trees
~photos by Inside the Pomegranate~

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