Saturday, March 24, 2012

so long 33, hello 34!

Another year has flown by and today is my birthday! Birthdays are always fun, but I think the excitement of a birthday when you're a kid just can't be matched by birthdays in adulthood. My mom did such a great job of keeping my "baby book" full of photos and details. Just look at the page from my 3rd and 4th birthdays. Didn't she do an amazing job? 
30 years ago.
I still love puffy sleeves  :-)
A big thanks to my mom and dad - respectively our family's record-keeper and photographer.


  1. Anonymous3/24/2012

    Happy Birthday to you my Sweet Little Angel! Love you so much!

  2. Happy Birthday, Kara! I look forward to celebrating the year of 34 with you. I hope your day treated you as wonderful as you are!
