I'm delighted everyday when I walk outside and see the many bulbs I planted last fall starting to poke up through the earth and gradually raising their green bodies upwards for all of us to see. The Latin phrase "crescit eundo" means "it grows as it goes" (musicians out there - do you see where the term crescendo comes from?) and I learned that it originally referred to a lightening bolt in the sky growing with momentum as it moves. But I think this phrase, crescit eundo, is the perfect way to describe spring bulbs - growing little by little, going from hidden bulb to beautiful and triumphant bloom.
the crocuses will bloom any day now! |
to me, this is a happy sight indeed |
awaiting the trumpets of daffodils |
aren't tulips,
even at this stage, gorgeous? |
the earliest of bloomers -
they've reached their own crescendo |
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