Thursday, January 19, 2012

just a few of my favorite things

what is it that you love?
From a great cup of tea, to the scent of lavender, to travel, to enjoying a great piece of art in person. These are the things I can count on to make me feel quite happy. How about you? What's on your list of favorite things?

golden hues:
sparkly light, dried lavender, a palm tree, tea
here's an extreme close-up of one of Monet's
massive waterlily paintings -
the color combination is sublime
photography: butterflies,
setting my camera up for a shot sans tripod,
flowers, and Nino

travel and getting great candid shots of locals
What are the things that makes you feel perfectly happy?

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1/19/2012

    Another outstanding blog! Can't get over how good you are with your daily blogs! I'm so proud of you?
