Wednesday, May 15, 2013

my springtime garden

The springtime garden is such a happy place for all of us who love to garden. Every which way we look we can see new growth and new buds and blooms. I'm slow to get my garden going this year, but this morning I was able to spend a good hour or so doing what I love - pulling weeds, tidying up the space, and planting a few new items. Here's a little glimpse into my springtime garden.

allium, close-up
I planted these bulbs last fall, so I'm
excited to see them bloom for the 1st time!

another shot of allium
cherry blossoms from our fruit tree
tiny grape hyacinths with lavender,
mint, and chives scattered here and there
one of my favorites - the lilac in our front yard garden
the scent is divine and the petals are beautiful!
not the showiest of flowers, but these lungworts
add so much to my little shade garden
on the north side of our house

1 comment:

  1. Makes me smile thinking of you in your garden!
