Every year, when lilacs bloom I am positively elated, because for me, lilacs stir up my own Proustian memory. Outside of my bedroom window, in the house where I grew up, were three immense lilac bushes. Now when I smell lilacs, I can instantly remember laying in bed at night with the window cracked ajar and falling asleep breathing in the lilacs' perfume. It was a perfect antidote for teenage angst, and I'm not sure if there's a better recipe for sweet dreams.
One reason lilacs are so enchanting in addition to their glorious scent, is because of their almost lace-like blooms. The variety of lilac blossom shades is so wide ranging - from the purest white to deep and rich purple - and with so many variants in between, one would be hard pressed to find a lilac that doesn't suit your own aesthetic. Here are a few of my favorites that I photographed recently. I hope you enjoy them as much as I do!
pure white and elegant |
creamy with the faintest hint of yellow |
cool white blooms
with deep purples in the background |
airy pink, as delicate as imaginable |
a touch of lavender with
double blossoms |
slightly deeper lavender
perhaps my favorite, though
it's too hard to pick just 1! |
lovely pink lilacs |
the name of the lilac pictured 1 above -
it fits perfectly, don't you think? |
rather large blooms with a little bit
more saturated lavender - single blooms |
a few buds still to open, showing
us various shades of pinkish mauve |
blueish in color, 4 petals per bloom |
also blueish in color,
but 6 petals per bloom |
a little bit lavender, a little bit blue
double blossoms - divine! |
a rich jewel colored lilac |
eye-catching and regal, these purple
lilacs always grab my attention |
Beautiful! I can almost smell them!