Tuesday, September 20, 2011

my breakfast of champions - egg quesadilla

Without a doubt, I'm a breakfast person, though I really can't stand anything sweet in the morning, and in full disclosure most sweets anytime of day make me a little sick in my stomach. But I make up for my dislike of sugary sweets (caveats: I do like fruity desserts like sorbet, I love honey and once in awhile will crave very dark chocolate) by adoring savory flavors! Recently, I've been thoroughly enjoying "breakfast quesadillas" made with soft corn tortillas - I find the "Food Life's Sprouted Corn" to be the best - 1 egg, a little shredded cheddar, and some of my homemade salsa. It's been a filling breakfast that sticks with me throughout the morning and because I significantly reduced gluten from my diet for health reasons, the corn tortillas satisfy my taste for something starchy, plus they're just delicious!  
Making these quesadillas really couldn't be easier. Over medium heat, I add the egg in a pan, toss in a few spoonfuls of salsa and stir, then I throw in a pinch of cheese and let that all scramble. Meanwhile in another pan I heat up one tortilla then once the eggs are cooked, I top the tortilla with the eggs add a little bit more cheese and then top that with the other tortilla, letting it all cook so that the bottom tortilla is nicely toasted. Once it's a little firm, I flip it over and let the other side cook. After slicing it up, I dollop more salsa on top and devour my new favorite breakfast! I don't really count calories or think too much about fat - moderation is more my mantra - but I can't imagine that this breakfast is anything but healthy with 1 egg, 2 small corn tortillas, lots of salsa, and just a few pinches of cheese. Healthy and delicious equals my version of a breakfast of champions. Give it a try!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9/20/2011

    Can hardly wait until breakfast !
