Sunday, August 21, 2011

tomatoes - the pick of the crop

There's no doubt that I adore home-grown tomatoes. What could be better? Once they're in the ground, they're so easy to grow and the end results are the most delicious and flavorful (I might also mention they are completely mouth-watering) tomatoes ever. It's hard to even compare home-grown tomatoes to their store bought cousins. We have 10 tomato plants in our garden which means there's plenty to share - 2 people, even 2 tomato-loving people just can't keep up with the bounty that 10 plants produce! Here are some of the plants. I think tomatoes are gorgeous.
an heirloom variety named ponderosa red -
perfect for slicing
these orange cherry tomatos are tart and sweet
at the same time
not quite ripe but beautiful
the 2 in the middle are actually ripe -
this cherry variety doesn't turn red
this is a volunteer plant that I left to grow
to see what we'd end up with
and they are like a cross
between a roma and a slicer!
this is a new variety for our garden
it's an heirloom called thessaloniki
and it's a beautiful slicer 
the perfect roma-like tomato, this is
named Juliet - very high yielding plants
perhaps my favorite - the green zebra
perfectly tart and sweet at the same time


  1. Anonymous8/21/2011

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  2. Anonymous8/21/2011

    Your tomatoes are so good,I had them three times today, thanks!!!
