Wednesday, May 23, 2012

bicicletta a firenze....florence by bike

For those of you who follow my blog regularly, you know I love to try to capture candid photos of locals when I'm traveling. I think it's so interesting to see how the locals live. And while I was in Florence, the one things that struck me as a definite quality of the locals was bicycling: going to and fro around town, getting to work and back home, and running errands. And in a city where the streets are predominately flat, but extremely narrow, and parking spots are few and far between, cycling does make the most sense. Here are a few shots I captured of the bicycling culture in Florence. One last thing, check out the nice shoes - especially the womens' - sported in these photos! Form over function!  


  1. hi! I loved your pictures, they show a beautiful side of my city! I live in Florence and I'm an urban cyclist, it's still hard to move around safely by bike every day (no cycling paths, bad condition of the roads, wild car drivers...) but I think that is the best way of transportation. on a bike you can see things that you don't notice inside the car, and be more conscious of what is around you. plus, bikes are smart, fast and don't need gas :-)

  2. Thanks so much for your comments. You certainly live in a beautiful city! I would love to spend some time on my bike in Florence. :-)
