Monday, May 21, 2012

music for a monday morning: afrocubism's nima diyala

Ready to get moving on this Monday morning? Afrocubism's "Nima Diyala" will be the perfect start to your day. 
Afrocubism is an amazing group and record, showcasing the cross-cultural ties that music can provide.  As the African diaspora spread its peoples' musical roots and heritage to the New World, the rhythmic beats and sounds of West Africa fused with Spanish influences planted during Colonial reign. Though the history is anything but pleasant, the end musical result is pure bliss. Afrocubism is headed up by Cuban guitarist and singer Eliades Ochoa, and Ochoa is joined other by Cuban and Malian musicians, including one of my favorites, Toumani Diabete. I hope you enjoy!   

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5/21/2012

    Fantastic! I like this very much and thanks for posting it on your blog.
