Thursday, May 24, 2012

out and about in rome

Especially on vacation, I usually stick to taking photos with my "real" camera. But, there are times when my apps on my iPhone do the trick and give a quality to the photos that look a little vintage. Plus there are time when I just don't feel like pulling out my big camera and lens. I'm partial to the iPhone app Hipstamatic, though I know Instagram seems to be more popular. These photos were all taken out and about in Rome using my Hipstamatic app, and I love the look achieved. 
the label design on this emerald green
water bottle caught my eyes 
we would pass by this bike multiple
times a day on our way to and from
our hotel - the color, design, and that back seat
always made me smile
cappuccino for breakfast
along with a croissant - more sweet
than French croissants which I prefer
beautiful signage
I snapped this photo when
 walking by a courtyard!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5/24/2012

    You are great with any kinds of cameras!
