Sunday, February 27, 2011

topaz for mom

For my mom's birthday last month, I decided to give her something simple, yet handmade and from the heart. She chose the yarn, and her pick was Manos del Uruguay's Silk Blend Semi Solid in Topaz. It's a 30% silk, 70% merino blend - the silk adds a touch of sheen - it's not too shiny, just the perfect amount of luster. I've used this yarn before for a few other projects, and I can say that this is my favorite yarn to both wear and knit. It's warm, breathable, and totally not itchy in the least. It drapes beautifully and knitting with it could not be easier nor more relaxing - this yarn allows for the right amount of "give" with each stitch. I can imagine a blanket or a throw knitted from this yarn and how elegant and cozy it would be. I love the color my mom picked out for this project - this shade is very much her! I think this jewel colored topaz is the perfect compliment to my mom's warm complexion.  

the topaz cowl, modeled my lovely mom

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2/28/2011

    It is the perfect scarf for me and I love it! Thanks!!!
