Wednesday, May 11, 2011

tour of Charleston, part 3

Not surprisingly, part of the reason I liked Charleston so much is that no matter where I looked, I could see beautiful flowers. When I was there, the jasmine was in full bloom, and its scent perfumed the air. It was a wonderful experience - walking around and having your senses awakened by the sight and scent of these small yet powerful little flowers. Oftentimes I could smell the jasmine before I could see it. I wish I could share the heavenly scent with you, but these photos will have to do!

walking along side of a wall
covered in jasmine blooms
a close-up of 2 little jasmine flowers
it's not an uncommon sight to
see porches like this -
isn't it lovely?
jasmine en masse
foreground - jasmine
background - magnolia
100% Charleston
jasmine climbing and practically
covering this entire building!

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